We’ve all heard tales of the Bridezilla—the high-maintenance girl who quickly makes life a waking nightmare for everyone on her ‘special day’. 😊 Stop any woman on the street and she’ll likely have a story about her experience with one that’ll curl your hair. Add a global pandemic into the mix and even the most even-tempered bride is more likely to lose her cool.

Not Cassie. She and Jon met in Bible college, fell in love, got engaged and planned their big, beautiful day. Then 2020 hit (cue groans) and a lot of things had to be re-planned, re-organized, and re-scheduled—all of our stress levels skyrocketed, and brides were no exception! But Cassie and Jon took it in their stride—her sweet mom made matching masks for the ceremony, Jon chose the music, and throughout the whole day, he and Cassie were clearly more concerned for the comfort and ease of their guests than having things ‘just right’. Jon’s love and care for his bride was a beautiful thing to see—check his facial expression when he sees her walking down the aisle! He’s an extremely talented musician, and he and his sister led the singing of ‘Build My Life’ (a beautiful hymn) during the ceremony. It wasn’t all easy—we took their wedding party photos on the waterfront in Burlington, and because it was such a beautiful day, everyone and their mom was out and about, so we had to do some quick out-of-the-box thinking to come up with a Plan B! (Thank you, Burlington Marina!) 😊

Wedding days, like married life, can be challenging—there are a lot of variables to navigate and people to care for, and it takes patience, wisdom, and love to arrive at a compromise that for everyone. To see a couple so clearly able to work through the hiccups of their special day is an inspiration and a joy, and it was a privilege to share in their happiness.