Stop right now and tell me if you’ve ever seen a more adorable couple.  I’ll save you some time—you haven’t.  These two are one-hundred-percent Hallmark-movie childhood sweethearts—they grew up in the same church, caught each others’ eye when they were teenagers, and Eric had a bit of work to do convincing Emma to give him a chance!  Now they’re in love, preparing for life in pastoral ministry, and planning their life together. 

As it happens in Ontario, it tried to rain during our session—the clouds kept rolling in and the drops kept falling here and there, but even the weather waited for these two.  There was a bit of hiking involved—we went to the Eramosa Karst Conservation area. I had researched the area with them before arriving, and we’d found a hidden cave in the woods and wanted a few shots there.  It was worth every step—the fall foliage was gorgeous, and the soft light created by the overcast reflected off the pair of them beautifully—but what made it memorable was the happiness in their eyes as they looked at one another.  There’s a special joy that couples who have always known each other experience when they realize that their person was right alongside them the whole time—a kind of wonder that shows how grateful they are to be with someone who knows them so well, and will get to know them even better.  I’m so excited to see what the future holds for Eric and Emma, and can’t can’t CAN’T wait for their wedding day!