I always feel so special when a friend asks me to take their photos–I already have the blessing of living life with them, but there’s something about being invited into someone’s home and asked to record the addition of a new family member. A baby is a blessing and an adjustment, and having been a new mother four times, I know what a sensitive time it can be. When Tonia asked me to come and take some newborn photos, I was so excited–she and her husband are amazing parents to four beautiful boys, and baby Blake has joined a great family. Tonia’s decorating skill is a photographer’s dream, since it creates a soft, homey backdrop to a shoot like this–until the boys decide to start jumping on the bed. ;D ;D But hey, if a new baby brother doesn’t merit some happy jumps, what does!?!? Even though it meant getting sweaty and sticky, I was very happy to oblige, because it’s moments like these that make the house a home, and a family a blessing.